What to Do if Your Child Isn’t Reading Fluently

by | August 25, 2020

Have you noticed that your child is not reading very fluently? Their reading may be choppy. They may have had to stop to sound out words. Or, they might sound like a robot!

If you notice these things, here is an easy thing you can do to help them develop their fluency.

You can help them know what it’s supposed to sound like. You do this my modeling for them. After your child has read a sentence, or a couple of sentences, you can say “Let me read those sentences and listen to how it sounds when I read it.” Then, you would read it fluently and with expression. Then you could say “You go back and read it now. Try to read it the way I did.”  Often, after they’ve read it one time, and they’ve heard you read it one time, they are able to read it much more fluently.

We hope this helps! If you would like more tips for helping your child become a confident reader, keep scrolling and grab our free guide, 9 Simple Ways to Boost Your Child’s Reading Confidence.

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BONUS: How to tell if they're struggling to read and what to do about it. 

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