The Importance of Daily, Intensive Reading Instruction

by | July 20, 2018

Is your child falling behind their classmates when it comes to reading? It is important to close that gap quickly, because while your child’s reading is improving with tutoring, their peers are also improving and the gap widens. With that in mind, it is easy to see that tutoring once or twice a week over a year is less than preferred.

Recent studies suggest that daily, intensive reading instruction can change  your child’s brain for the better, within weeks. With daily, one-to-one, explicit instruction, the gap can be closed within weeks rather than years.

At Langsford, our sessions are targeted to develop the key processes necessary for effective reading, spelling, comprehension, and written expression. Our instruction is systematic, multi-sensory, and explicit. Each child has a customized plan of action that is designed to close the gap as quickly as possible.

If you would like to know more, please visit our website or give us a call.

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