Reading is not just about being able to read the words on the page, or being able to read accurately. It is also important that your child becomes a fluent reader.
Fluency includes 4 components:
- Pace – some children think it is important to be a fast reader, but we really just want them to be able to read at an adequate pace. Faster is not better in this case.
- Phrasing – being able to read words in long phrases, not 2 or 3 words at a time, but long phrases.
- Smoothness – their voice go smoothly through the text. Be sure that they are following punctuation, such as pausing at commas and periods.
- Expression – this is sounding like you’re talking to a friend as you’re reading.
If you notice that your child reads with wonderful expression, but it’s just word by word, or 2 words at a time, then you can work on phrasing and helping them notice how words are grouped together. Or, if they follow punctuation and are reading carefully but they don’t use much expression, then you can work on that aspect of reading. Sometimes, kids just read too fast, and make errors because they are reading too quickly. Try to get them to slow their pace of reading.
Pay attention to these aspects of reading fluency, and hone in on the 1 or 2 aspects that would make their reading fluency that much better.
We hope this helps you guide your child to reading with confidence! Looking for more tips? Keep scrolling and grab our free guide, 9 Simple Ways to Boost Your Child’s Reading Confidence.